Command-Line Help for nixops4

This document contains the help content for the nixops4 command-line program.

Command Overview:


The nixops4 command-line tool

Usage: nixops4 [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

  • apply — Apply changes so that the resources are in the desired state
  • deployments — Commands that operate on all deployments
  • -v, --verbose

    Default value: false

  • --color <COLOR>

    Default value: auto

    Possible values: auto, always, never

  • --interactive

    Default value: false

  • --no-interactive

    Default value: false

nixops4 apply

Apply changes so that the resources are in the desired state

Usage: nixops4 apply [DEPLOYMENT]


    Default value: default

nixops4 deployments

Commands that operate on all deployments

Usage: nixops4 deployments <COMMAND>

  • list — List the deployments based on the expressions in the flake

nixops4 deployments list

List the deployments based on the expressions in the flake

Usage: nixops4 deployments list